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Showing posts from July, 2016
topped off oil today... didn't need much... also ordered transmission fluid and pump... going to change myself :)  notes from Drayton Webb: Hi Charles, it’s good to hear from you. And kudos on the SC transformation…….looks like you are turning it into much more of a track toy……looks great! The SC e51 tranny has 3 aluminum drain/fill plugs/bolts…..the bottom drain plug, the side fill and/or the “top-off” plug, and the top fill plug. ALWAYS loosen your fill/top off plug(s) first to insure that they are not frozen/stripped BEFORE you loosen and drain all your fluid. You NEVER want to find that you have drained all your old fluid only then find out that your fill plugs can’t be removed…..NO BUENO. Keep in mind that these Toyota drain/fill plugs have rather soft aluminum heads on the bolts so you MUST use the correct size 6 sided socket!! and do NOT over tighten or you could damage the bolt head! So be VERY careful with them when removing, and installing them. It’s probably a good id...